Friday, September 27, 2013

How to Stay Healthy

It is known to all that health is wealth. It is the key to all success in life. So, I try to follow the rules of health. It is necessary to follow them  in order to maintain a good health. None can enjoy a sound health without maintaining certain rules of health. To have a balanced diet, proper sleeping, taking exercise, drinking safe water are the most important rules of maintaining good health. So, I think we should abide by some rules of health to keep fit. By following the below rules we can stay healthy.


Steps 1: Eat exactly: In the present world fatness is a great problem. Do you know? 2/3 percent Americans are overweight. The main concern is that, thirty two percent of children and teenagers are overweight. This is marvelous. Food is not your best friend, nor foe. So always eat moderately. Food is very important for staying healthy but most of the people ignore it. Always take healthy food and avoid unhealthy food. Specially avoid junk food. Because its very harmful for health and it turns to fat very quickly. Junk food means chocolate, biscuit, cake, pizza, sandwich, sugar, chips etc. Regularly takes fresh food, fresh fruits, fresh vegetable and healthy food. It is very important for health. I think you should try to eat everyday. Fish, chicken, vegetable include your every meals. On the other hand, avoid over eating. Because it's harmful for digesting, so chance to digest. Always remember that healthy food is helpful for you.

Steps 2: Drink safe water: Water is the most important element of our body. Always drink safe water. If you want to keep fit, then you should drink a lot of water regularly. Fresh water is very helpful for our body but polluted water is not. Regularly you should drink at least 2 or 3 liters fresh water.

Steps 3: Sleep: After taking meals and exercise, you need to sleep. I think everybody needs about six or eight hours of sleep per night. It is need for improving immune system and body recovers. According to American cancer society, who sleep lees than six or more than ten hours per night had a death rate thirty five percent higher than those who maintains regularity. So early to bed early to get.

Steps 4: Exercise: It is very helpful for staying healthy. Physical exercise means the regular movement of the limbs of our body according to rules. It is essential to keep our body fit and mind sound. There lies a close connection between body and mind. We can not think of  a sound mind without a sound health . It is physical exercise which enables us to build a good health. It makes our body active and the muscles strong. It also improves our power of digestion and blood circulation ans gives strength to our brain. A machine gets rusted for want of proper use. Human body is also a machine. It becomes inactive and weak for want of exercise. But all forms of exercise are not suitable for all men. If a weak man takes part in a football game or hockey, he will get tired. It does not good to him. So take exercise according to rules. An oft-quoted proverb goes that a sound mind lives in a sound body. Mere acquisition of knowledge without sound health is of no use to society. If the body is unsound, the mind must be unsound. We can not think of a sound mind without a sound health. So we should take regular physical exercise in order to  maintain a sound health and lead a happy life.

Steps 5: Give up smoking: It goes without saying that smoking is a dangerously bad habit. It causes many fatal diseases. It causes cancer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis and some other diseases. One puff of cigarette contains fifteen billion particles of injurious matters. Nicotine is one of them.It prevents the free flow of blood through the veins. This reduces the supply of oxygen in the body. It damage our lungs. So, give up smoking and stay healthy.

Steps 6: Avoid tension: Tension means mental, emotional or nervous strain. Almost all the educated people are well acquainted with the term. Tension may be of different kinds. It is very dangerous for our health. A person may suffer from tension for various reason. When a person is in the grip of tension, it causes him many serious diseases like pressure, heart attack, brain stroke. As a result his/her health deteriorates day by day. High ambition, frustration, social problem, political unrest, economic crisis and many other things give birth tension. So, always think positively and lead tension free life.

Steps 7: Maintain regularities: Discipline is found in human body. The various organs of the body co-operative with one another and are discipline for the growth and development of the whole body. So maintain regularities and stay healthy.


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