Monday, January 20, 2014

How To Feed Fish

Fish is the largest family of verbrates. There are around 25,000 varieties or types of fish. Their size ranges from extremely minute ten millimeters long jobs in the sixty one foot long whale sharks whose weight may go up to forty three tons. Fish can only live in water. Their habitat ranges from the ice cold water of the polar regions to swamps and lakes in tropical region.
They are cold blooded creatures. They use their gills for breathing. Most fish have streamlined shaped bodies so that swift movement in water is made possible. The tail fins maneuver them in water and help to push them forward. For steering purpose, other pairs of fins on either side of their body are used. These fins also help to keep them in a vertical position.

Feeding: Feeding fish is very simple, you can do it very easily. Just follow below, these steps and cautions, that will ensure you to well fish feed.

Step: 1
Everybody knows that good food is very helpful for human body and others life. So, you have to make sure that is suitable for the fish you bought. Do some research about your fish feelings and also follow it that which kind of food they like. Because it's important for fish growth. Most of the fish can be fed smithereens food or Nubble, but some species have undercut. So, you may take several kinds of food.

Step: 2
 Every time bears in mind that "Excess is not always good". So, feed in tiny portions, only as much as your fish like. And they can eat its 2 or 3 minutes.

Step 3: scatter the food very well as everyone gets some. Because it's very important for the fish.

Step: 4
Several times in a week, give your fish some frozen food, dried food, live foods and as they like. Because it is very helpful for their health and color. It also improves their body. You can also give them such kind of vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower etc. I think this kind of vegetables your fish might enjoy.

Bear in mind over feeding is very harmful for all kinds of fish. Specially aquarium fish.
Make sure to remove every uneaten food within 24 hours.


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