Thursday, October 10, 2013

Environment Pollution-Effects-and How to Prevent

The things which makes the world most worried is environment pollution. our environment comprise the elements the surround us. Air, water, the sun, the moon, weather, climate and everything fall under the category of environment. Environment makes us survive. We get everything from nature to meet the need of our life. But this environment is polluted and makes us too much worried. Increasing pollution of our environment turns the world into an abode of destruction. Today our environment is polluted and pollution exerts damaging influence on our existence.

How to become polluted
How air gets polluted: The world is producing millions of tons of domestic rubbish and toxic industrial waste each year, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable locations to get rid of all the refuse. The disposal of various kinds of waste is seriously polluting the environment. We know that air is an important element of our environment  and our air is polluted by smoke. Man makes fire to cook food, make bricks, melt tar for road construction and to do many other things.
Fires create smoke and pollute the air. Railway engines and powerhouses create smoke by burning coal and oil. Mills and factories also belch a lot of smoke. Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel oil. These too emit smoke. All these kinds of smoke pollute the air.

How water gets polluted: Water, another vital element of the environment, is also polluted in different ways. Man pollutes water by throwing waste into it. Farmers use chemical fertilizer and insecticides in their field. When rain and floods wash away some of these chemicals, they get mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds. Mills and factories also throw their poisonous chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals and thus pollute the water.
Water vehicles also pollute rivers by dumping oil, food waste and human waste into them. Insanitary latrines and unsafe drains standing on river and canal banks are also responsible for further pollution. Thus water is contaminated by various kinds of waste and filth.

How sound gets polluted: Sound pollution is another hindrance to a calm and serene life. There are so many disturbing sounds made by man and machine. Making loud sounds without caring for human disturbance is a cognizable offense. When motor vehicles pass way whistling loudly, people may be faced with health hazards.
Even using loud speakers indiscriminately disturbs our sleep and peaceful life. People suffering from hypertension or heart diseases may have heart attack or stroke if they hear loud sounds. Loud sound may affect the mental upbringing of a baby.

Problem caused by environmental pollution
Viewing the present pollution around the world it seems that there lies a universal conflict between nature and man. Nature is used for serving the purpose of man. Again it is antagonistic to man. Nature is, at times, wild and destructive to humans. Once man was indifferent to his need, he was not moved with easy life and  comfort. But in course of time, population increases and scientific inventions also get increased and man is compelled to think of the environment. To make life comfortable, to make pleasure and recreations man begins to manufacture various chemicals and materials that harm the flow of the environment. Pollution starts in water- land- space. Researchers find that causes of cancer and deformity of human child are the effects of devastating use of chemicals. On the other hand, Greenhouse effect is a recent concept which means the adverse effects caused by the rise in the temperature in the climate of the world. The excess of gas, smoke and other particles emitted by the industries, auto-engines and other places is being accumulated at a height in the space. This gaseous accumulation has created an obstacle for the heat caused by the sun on the earth to be spread in the space. As a result the heat comes back to heat the water on the surface and the climate. This situation is called greenhouse effect in scientific terminology in modern times. The snow in the poles will gradually melt and the water level of the sea will rise. This is no doubt a terrific possibility for the world. Excess of industrialization is on of the main causes of green house effect. Indiscriminate deforestation throughout the world also is one of the causes to create imbalance in the climate and it, in turn, helps Greenhouse effect to intensify. We also know that, our world are becoming warm day by day.
Over industrialization is the main causes of global warming. Global warming is heightened by the rapid growth of industry, the use of chlorofluorocarbon in packaging and manufacturing commercial products, the use of detergents such as washing powder and washing-up liquid and so on. However, the main culprits for global warming are carbon dioxide gas, produced by the burning of fossil fuels and forests and pollutants such as methane and chlorofluorocarbon.

How to be prevent
The whole world is worried about the preventive ways for tackling environmental pollution. In different countries laws are passed to stop environment pollution. Recently " strict ban on the use poly bags"  is declared and legal operations in these respect are going on. This step is very helpful for preventing environment. Every pollution is harmful for us. So, I think consciousness is only one things for preventing environment. Some steps are very effective to prevent environment pollution.
1. Don't melt tire.
2. Don't use polythene.
2. Manage waste.
3. Don't use wood or coal for burnings bricks.
4. Safely use insecticides and fertilizer.
5. Don't make smoke.
6. Use whistle, if need.
Environment is the basis of our existence. To ensure our existence we should remain free from all sorts of pollution. Actually population problem is the stumbling block in the way of tackling the increasing pollution. Future prospect of our world is under darkness because we cannot find out pragmatic solution of our environmental crisis. The common people should be brought to the fact that environment pollution must be stopped any how. Proper education is crying need for the backward class. All of us should remember the importance of the slogan,"Save the environment, ensure the healthier life".

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Thanks for publishing like this article. Because, nowadays environment are becoming polluted .
