Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How to Stop Poverty

Poverty alleviation in developing countries is a mammoth task since poverty has been an ever-present specter in a developing country like Bangladesh, Srilanka, Nepal, Ghana, Shudan etc. Calamity-prone in developing countries has been struggling hard to get over the evils of abject poverty. It is a big challenge for our world to reduce poverty to the minimum level. It is much easier said than done, because poverty is so deep-rooted in the world. forty six percent of the total population of the present world live below the poverty line. They are bereft of two square meals to live, clothes to put on, shed to shelter their heads. The main reason of poverty in developing countries lies in Bureaucratic administration and exploitation. I think developing countries are an agricultural and village based. Virtually, the poverty of rural people is the main problem. So, poverty can be eliminated if the poverty of the rural people is removed.

Steps 1: Education: I think education is the first step for reducing poverty. Everybody knows that " Education is the backbone of a nation". A also think that every educated people is rich. So take education and remove poverty. Education is the light which removes the darkness of ignorance and poverty. Education broadens our mind and outlook. So every people should receive a good education. Always bear in mind a chines proverb that, " Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will eat for a life time.Education creates great opportunity for getting job. So no alternative way to alleviate poverty.
Steps 2: By providing micro-credit : By providing micro-credit it is possible to transform the hands of the unemployed helpless people into the hands of active working people. Micro-credit is offered to the huge number of landless, helpless people to produce small and cottage industries products. The destitute people both male and female, are getting opportunities for earning through the provision of micro-credit for rearing cows and goats and fish cultivation. Many bank provides micro-credit facilities to the landless poor people. It is a self-governed money lending system. Its motive is to give bank facilities to the neglected poor for increasing their income and removing their poverty. Receiving micro-credit to utilize them in various lucrative fields, the poverty-afflicted unemployed people of developing countries are alleviating abject poverty. Dr. Muhammad Yunus. a Nobel laureate for peace said, " If micro-credit were offered to all the poor people, poverty of all kinds would be sent to the museum". It is hoped that by utilizing the available micro-credit facilities properly, the people will soon be in a position to lift the curse of poverty. 

Steps 3 : By taking livestock project : Livestock project is a luscious way to alleviate poverty in the helpless of remote areas. By firming domestic animal you can get better nutrition and a source of income.

1 comment:

  1. I think this post is very effective for reducing poverty. well.....
